Source code for crabpy_pyramid

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import logging
import os
from collections import Sequence

from crabpy.client import crab_factory
from crabpy.gateway.capakey import CapakeyRestGateway
from crabpy.gateway.crab import CrabGateway
from pyramid.config import Configurator
from pyramid.settings import asbool
from zope.interface import Interface

from crabpy_pyramid.renderers.capakey import (
    json_list_renderer as capakey_json_list_renderer,
    json_item_renderer as capakey_json_item_renderer
from crabpy_pyramid.renderers.crab import (
    json_list_renderer as crab_json_list_renderer,
    json_item_renderer as crab_json_item_renderer

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class ICapakey(Interface):

class ICrab(Interface):

def _parse_settings(settings):
    defaults = {
        'capakey.include': False,
        'crab.include': True,
        'cache.file.root': '/tmp/dogpile_data'
    args = defaults.copy()

    # booelean settings
    for short_key_name in ('capakey.include', 'crab.include'):
        key_name = "crabpy.%s" % short_key_name
        if key_name in settings:
            args[short_key_name] = asbool(settings.get(
                key_name, defaults.get(short_key_name)

    # string setting
    for short_key_name in ('proxy.http', 'proxy.https', 'cache.file.root'):
        key_name = "crabpy.%s" % short_key_name
        if key_name in settings:
            args[short_key_name] = settings.get(key_name)

    # cache configuration
    for short_key_name in ('crab.cache_config', 'capakey.cache_config'):
        key_name = "crabpy.%s." % short_key_name
        cache_config = {}
        for skey in settings.keys():
            if skey.startswith(key_name):
                cache_config[skey[len(key_name):]] = settings.get(skey)
        if cache_config:
            args[short_key_name] = cache_config

    # crab wsdl settings
    for short_key_name in ('crab.wsdl', ):
        key_name = "crabpy.%s" % short_key_name
        if key_name in settings:
            args[short_key_name] = settings.get(key_name)

    return args

def _filter_settings(settings, prefix):
    Filter all settings to only return settings that start with a certain

    :param dict settings: A settings dictionary.
    :param str prefix: A prefix.
    ret = {}
    for skey in settings.keys():
        if skey.startswith(prefix):
            key = skey[len(prefix):]
            ret[key] = settings[skey]
    return ret

def _build_capakey(registry, settings):
    capakey = registry.queryUtility(ICapakey)
    if capakey is not None:
        return capakey
    if 'cache_config' in settings:
        cache_config = settings['cache_config']
        del settings['cache_config']
        cache_config = {}
    gateway = CapakeyRestGateway(cache_config=cache_config)

    registry.registerUtility(gateway, ICapakey)
    return registry.queryUtility(ICapakey)

def _build_crab(registry, settings):
    crab = registry.queryUtility(ICrab)
    if crab is not None:
        return crab
    if 'cache_config' in settings:
        cache_config = settings['cache_config']
        del settings['cache_config']
        cache_config = {}
    factory = crab_factory(**settings)
    gateway = CrabGateway(factory, cache_config=cache_config)

    registry.registerUtility(gateway, ICrab)
    return registry.queryUtility(ICrab)

[docs]def get_capakey(registry): """ Get the Capakey Gateway :rtype: :class:`crabpy.gateway.capakey.CapakeyRestGateway` """ # argument might be a config or a request regis = getattr(registry, 'registry', None) if regis is None: regis = registry return regis.queryUtility(ICapakey)
[docs]def get_crab(registry): """ Get the Crab Gateway :rtype: :class:`crabpy.gateway.crab.CrabGateway` # argument might be a config or a request """ # argument might be a config or a request regis = getattr(registry, 'registry', None) if regis is None: regis = registry return regis.queryUtility(ICrab)
def _get_proxy_settings(settings): base_settings = {} http = settings.get('proxy.http', None) https = settings.get('proxy.https', None) if (http or https): base_settings["proxy"] = {} if "proxy.http" in settings: base_settings["proxy"]["http"] = settings["proxy.http"]'HTTP proxy: %s' % base_settings["proxy"]["http"]) if "proxy.https" in settings: base_settings["proxy"]["https"] = settings["proxy.https"]'HTTPS proxy: %s' % base_settings["proxy"]["https"]) return base_settings
[docs]def add_route(config, name, pattern, *args, **kwargs): """ Adds a pyramid route to the config. All args and kwargs will be passed on to config.add_route. This exists so the default behaviour of including crabpy will still be to cache all crabpy routes. """ config.add_route(name, pattern, *args, **kwargs) GENERATE_ETAG_ROUTE_NAMES.add(name)
[docs]def conditional_http_tween_factory(handler, registry): """ Tween that adds ETag headers and tells Pyramid to enable conditional responses where appropriate. """ settings = registry.settings if hasattr(registry, 'settings') else {} if 'generate_etag_for.list' in settings: route_names = settings.get('generate_etag_for.list').split() GENERATE_ETAG_ROUTE_NAMES.update(route_names) def conditional_http_tween(request): response = handler(request) if request.matched_route is None: return response if in GENERATE_ETAG_ROUTE_NAMES: # If the Last-Modified header has been set, we want to enable the # conditional response processing. if response.last_modified is not None: response.conditional_response = True # We want to only enable the conditional machinery if either we # were given an explicit ETag header by the view or we have a # buffered response and can generate the ETag header ourself. if response.etag is not None: response.conditional_response = True elif (isinstance(response.app_iter, Sequence) and len(response.app_iter) == 1) and response.body is not None: response.conditional_response = True response.md5_etag() return response return conditional_http_tween
[docs]def includeme(config): """ Include `crabpy_pyramid` in this `Pyramid` application. :param pyramid.config.Configurator config: A Pyramid configurator. """ settings = _parse_settings(config.registry.settings) base_settings = _get_proxy_settings(settings) # http caching tween if not settings.get('etag_tween_disabled', False): config.add_tween('crabpy_pyramid.conditional_http_tween_factory') # create cache root = settings.get('cache.file.root', '/tmp/dogpile_data') if not os.path.exists(root): os.makedirs(root) capakey_settings = dict(_filter_settings(settings, 'capakey.'), **base_settings) if 'include' in capakey_settings:"The 'capakey.include' setting is deprecated. Capakey will " "always be included.")'Adding CAPAKEY Gateway.') config.add_renderer('capakey_listjson', capakey_json_list_renderer) config.add_renderer('capakey_itemjson', capakey_json_item_renderer) _build_capakey(config.registry, capakey_settings) config.add_request_method(get_capakey, 'capakey_gateway') config.add_directive('get_capakey', get_capakey) config.include('crabpy_pyramid.routes.capakey') config.scan('crabpy_pyramid.views.capakey') crab_settings = dict(_filter_settings(settings, 'crab.'), **base_settings) if crab_settings['include']:'Adding CRAB Gateway.') del crab_settings['include'] config.add_renderer('crab_listjson', crab_json_list_renderer) config.add_renderer('crab_itemjson', crab_json_item_renderer) _build_crab(config.registry, crab_settings) config.add_directive('get_crab', get_crab) config.add_request_method(get_crab, 'crab_gateway') config.include('crabpy_pyramid.routes.crab') config.scan('crabpy_pyramid.views.crab')
[docs]def main(global_config, **settings): """ This function returns a Pyramid WSGI application. """ config = Configurator(settings=settings) includeme(config) return config.make_wsgi_app()