Setup and configuration

Installing crabpy_pyramid is fairly straightforward, configuring it can be a bit more complicated. Fundamentally, crabpy_pyramid uses the crabpy library to offer users access to both the CRAB and the CAPAKEY werbservice. It’s possible to include none, one or both of the services.

To add crabpy_pyramid to you project, just include it.


Out of the box, this will add the crabpy.gateway.crab.CrabGateway and the accompanying REST services. It will not add the crabpy.gateway.capakey.CapakeyRestGateway and it’s accompanying services. If you want to use this service, you need to set the crabpy.capakey.include setting to True.

The default will also set a crabpy.cache.file.root parameter. This is the default location for writing dogpile.cache file caches. It exists to set a default that should work, but won’t really help you very much. Please change it.


The following settings can be configured:


Location where dogpile.cache can create file caches. By default it’s set to /tmp/dogpile_data. Should be changed for any setup that actually wants to use caching.


Will be passed on to the Gateways, in case the services need to be called through a proxy.


Will be passed on to the Gateways, in case the services need to be called through a proxy.


This setting controls whether the CRAB Gateway is configured or not. By default this is set to True.


This controls the caching settings for the CRAB Gateway. It’s actually a prefix for a number of settings, which are all passed on to the CRAB Gateway.


This setting controls whether the CAPAKEY Gateway is configured or not. By default this is set to False. If you set this to True.


This controls the caching settings for the CAPAKEY Gateway. It’s actually a prefix for a number of settings, which are all passed on to the CAPAKEY Gateway.